
Click here for links to audio meditations and skills videos for coping with cancer

Whether you are a patient or a loved one, cancer can be overwhelming.

The first intense moments leading up to the diagnosis, the stress of treatment, the psychological effect of the word "cancer" and its meanings in your life, and the worry about the future all contribute to make coping with cancer difficult.  In addition, many relationships change when a cancer diagnosis is given, and it can be difficult to get support when you need it most.

I began working with cancer patients and their families in 2002, and have done all of my clinical work in a cancer setting since 2007.  It is my deeply-held value to help individuals with all types of cancer cope with diagnosis, treatment, and life following cancer treatment.  Given my experience working with cancer patients, I have an understanding of some of the common surgical, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments and their side effects, as well as the stages may cancer patients go through during and after treatment.

If you are looking for skills or support for cancer, you are not alone.  Click here and request an initial consultation to see if this might be the place to get the support you need.

Click here for links to audio meditations and skills videos for coping with cancer